DBV Technologies is a leading player in research into one of today’s major public health issues – allergies, more specifically, food allergies. Many different kinds of food are capable of provoking allergic reactions in people – various types of fish, crabs, shellfish, eggs, nuts of different sorts, especially peanuts, cows’ milk and more. In fact, the prevalence of food allergies has been growing, especially in Europe and the United States, over recent years. The consequences of allergies can be grave – hundreds of people die each year as a result of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions), and many more are hospitalized.
At http://www.dbv-technologies.com/en/viaskin-products there’s a list of the products that this French company is developing to combat food allergies. Peanut, cows’ milk and egg allergy treatments are all in the pipeline. Their approach is an epicutaneous immunotherapy one – in other words, the treatment of allergies by delivering allergens to the body through the skin. To do this, a special adhesive patch called Viaskin is used. As you can see in the photograph below, you simply have to place it on your arm and it can be removed at any time you want!